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How does TimeBanking work?

TimeBanking is simple.

Think of TimeBanking as a circle of giving and receiving where members create caring and supportive networks while exchanging services.

These exchanges have equal value and they are valued only in terms of the time spent doing them.

There are four main kinds of TimeBank exchanges:

All TimeBanks consist of members who agree to exchange services. Individuals, groups, organizations, agencies, churches, and businesses can all be members of a TimeBank. Members must apply to join their TimeBank. Access to their local TimeBank also gives members the opportunity to exchange their time credits on our global platform.

Add new activity

Sign in to your timebank

To add an activity to this global platform, sign in to your own community timebank, add an offer or request and check the box to allow the activity to appear on this platform.

Would you like to save your progress?

Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

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