TimeBanks 101
The Foundation - Free
Introduction to TimeBanking and its benefits. Includes a complimentary 30-minute meeting. Invited to monthly peer events.
TimeBanking in Practice
Includes a 20- page guidebook and a navigator facilitation to support your neighborhood mission-centered TimeBank for 30 days. Weekly 1-hour discussions: For reflection, story-sharing, skill-building, problem-solving, etc. Preparation and Progress Review
Customizing your strategic plan for your TimeBank’s progress, impact, and outcomes.
TimeBanking Academy
A 3- 6-month robust training curriculum for a long-term sustainable TimeBank. For large organizations and federations.
TimeBanks.Org Offers Onboarding
There are
8 basic
steps to creating
a TimeBank.
Step 1: Get to Know TimeBanking, and share that knowledge with others
The benefits of TimeBanking - the work you do accrues a real, tangible payment — banked time you can use to get the help you need.
Step 2: Gather with your team to host an introductory gathering where you spread the word about timebanking to people who are interested in building community and find individuals who will take the next step. We like to call it Gathering with a Purpose.
Step 3: Work with your start-up team to plan for and set up the roles. This is when you recruit your core group of committed individuals to form a start-up team with you. This will be your TimeBank leadership team.
Step: 4 Define why and how you will help your community through timebanking. Gather your team and define the purpose of your timebank. Who will benefit from your timebank. What do you promise to your members.
Step 5: Set up base. Set up a timebank email. Check out software platforms to handle your members hours.
Step 6: Start your Outreach work. Create a brochure for new members and do outreach. Prepare a members’ handbook and orientation materials. Invite first new members to a Gathering.
Step 7: Gather as many resources as possible. Reach out to TimeBanks.Org and begin the onboarding. The onboarding includes the next steps. We will work in developing strategic plan, offer mentorship, and educational workshops and you'll have access to so many valuable resources. Attend our monthly programs. Get to know other TimeBanks.
Step 6: Set Up/Celebrate 1st Exchanges. Help members set up their exchanges. Seek out opportunities for targeted group activities.
Step 7: Host potlucks and community events. Create monthly events to keep your members active.
Step 8: Keep Going and Growing. Turn to your members for ongoing ideas, support, and Energy. Remember: Purpose, Participate, and Repeat will lead to Small + Small = Big!
With your leadership team in place and everyone having a good sense of their roles and responsibilities, your new TimeBank will be up and ready to roll!

First thought: Who can run a TimeBank?
Most TimeBanks start with an inspired citizen who hears about TimeBanking and decides to bring it to their community.
You don't need to be a CEO or oversee a non-profit organization.

© 1995- 2024 TimeBanks.Org is a registered (501c3) charity based in Washington D.C. All rights reserved. TimeBanks.Org refers to the TimeBank global advocates as a network of TimeBanks and/or one or more of its members, each of which is a separate legal entity.